Using PuPHPet and Vagrant


For the sake of clarity we will perform this installation in a Vagrant box built with PuPHPet. PuPHPet is a web application that allows you to easily and quickly generate Vagrant and Puppet controlled virtual machines. It's a perfect replacement for local development environments like XAMPP, WAMPP, MAMPP, etc

Getting the PuPHPet Vagrant box

Get our preconfigured box by cloning this repo to your local machine with this command:

git clone

Install Vagrant from Also install these plugins if you haven't already:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-bindfs vagrant-cachier vagrant-hostmanager

After cloning go into the puphpet folder and run vagrant up. This will take a while but when completed you will have a fully functional Ubuntu 14.04 box with all dependencies installed and configured.

Adjusting the dummy Apache and MySQL configuration

We use myprojectname as a name for our project and vhost setup. We also use dummy database credentials (mydbname, mydbuser, mydbpass) for MySQL.

For real world use you will need to change this. You can do this via the PuPHPet web interface by dragging the puphpet/config.yaml file into the browser and adjust the settings. Alternatively you can easily edit the YAML file puphpet/config.yaml by hand.