
Sometimes you want to attach multiple domains to your website or maybe even manage multiple sites using the same basic CMS. This bundle will allow you to setup the bundles CMS to do just that. You can define multiple hosts, specify if they are single or multi language, and assign a root page for them (using the internal name of the page).


Before you start

Your site has to be defined as a multilanguage site in parameters.yml.

Modify app/AppKernel.php

You have to add the MultiDomainBundle in the registerBundles function :

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new Kunstmaan\MultiDomainBundle\KunstmaanMultiDomainBundle(),

Include the routing configuration in your main routing.yml

    resource: "@KunstmaanMultiDomainBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
        _locale: "%requiredlocales%"

Add the multi domain configuration in your config.yml :

            host: demo-nl.dev.kunstmaan.be
              - demo-nl.prod.kunstmaan.be
            type: single_lang
            default_locale: nl_BE
                - { uri_locale: 'nl', locale: 'nl_BE' }
            root: homepage

            host: demo-fr.dev.kunstmaan.be
              - demo-fr.prod.kunstmaan.be
            type: single_lang
            default_locale: fr_BE
                - { uri_locale: 'fr', locale: 'fr_BE' }
            root: homepage

            host: subsite.dev.kunstmaan.be
              - subsite.prod.kunstmaan.be
            type: multi_lang
            default_locale: nl_BE
                - { uri_locale: 'nl', locale: 'nl_BE' }
                - { uri_locale: 'fr', locale: 'fr_BE' }
            root: subsite_homepage
                foo: bar

This will define 2 node trees for 3 domains.

The first tree is mapped to 2 single language domains, the second is mapped as a multi language site.

Note: You will not be able to use a locale as both single and multi language for the same root.

Add DomainBasedLocaleRouter as a service

Set higher priority then basic router.

    class: Kunstmaan\MultiDomainBundle\Router\DomainBasedLocaleRouter
      - '@kunstmaan_admin.domain_configuration'
      - '@request_stack'
      - '@doctrine.orm.entity_manager'
      - '%kunstmaan_admin.admin_prefix%'
      - { name: router, priority: 2 }

Enable the multi domain logout handler in security.yml

If you intend to use the host override functionality, you have to enable the kunstmaan_multi_domain.host_override_cleanup logout handler in app/conf/security.yml. If you don't do this the host override will be active until you close the current browser session.

            pattern: ^/([^/]*)/admin
                login_path: kunstmaan_admin_login
                check_path: kunstmaan_admin_login
                provider: cms_users
                path:   kunstmaan_admin_logout
                target: KunstmaanAdminBundle_homepage
                handlers: ['kunstmaan_multi_domain.host_override_cleanup']
            anonymous:    true
                key:      %secret%
                lifetime: 604800
                path:     /
                domain:   ~

Accessing the back-end

If you were used to working with the older versions of the bundles CMS there's one thing to note : the admin area will now be accessible only by using the locales you specified in the multi domain configuration regardless of them being single or multilanguage.

ie. To access the admin area for subsite.dev.kunstmaan.be you would have to go to :

http://subsite.dev.kunstmaan.be/nl_BE/admin/ or http://subsite.dev.kunstmaan.be/fr_BE/admin/

Note: If you login and the root page for your site does not exist yet, you will see the complete site tree for all sites you are managing. As super administrator you can add a homepage by clicking on the "Add homepage" button situated above the Pages list.

Homepages should implement the HomePageInterface in order to be visible in the home page type selection.

In the back-end you will be able to switch to the different domains.

Extra Twig functions

The following extra Twig functions are available when you enable the multi domain bundle :

  • get_multi_domain_hosts() - returns the hosts that are defined in the multi domain configuration
  • get_current_host() - returns the current host (either the real one or the current override)