Preparing a new release
Before tagging
Install github-flow-changelog
git clone
cd github-flow-changelog
composer install
Generate a GitHub API token here
Update the changelog by running:
./gfc changelog <token here> Kunstmaan KunstmaanBundlesCMS > ~/Development/KunstmaanBundlesCMS/
Check if all pull requests are correctly named and attached to a milestone, fix, and rerun the command. Repeat!
Make sure there is ample upgrade documentation available before tagging a new major release.
After tagging
Backward compatible branches
If you tag a new minor version (3.1, 3.2) open a new branch named the same from the previous tagged version in that branch so we can backport fixes.
Increase the dev-master branch alias to the next release. Do the same in all bundles.
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "3.2-dev"