BundlesCMS roadmap


Due to conflicts with symfony-cmf/routing-bundle this will be the last release of v4 and will not be supported anymore.

  • [x] Allow locking of individual entities in adminlists #1384


  • [x] Set minimum PHP requirement to 5.6 #1444
  • [ ] A general API to expose pages/pageparts/media/... so it can be uses by other platforms/apps/... #1330
  • [ ] More advanced ROLE system for admin interface (TRANSLATOR_ROLE, USER_MANAGEMENT_ROLE, ...) #1329
  • [ ] Implement new way to choose pageparts #1247
  • [ ] Abstract implementation for page adminlists #1470
  • [ ] Password strength configuration #1469
  • [ ] Notes for redirects #1411
  • [ ] Nested regions in page template config #1332
  • [ ] Bulk move images in media manager to other folder #1333
  • [ ] Varnish cache clear / ban #1331
  • [ ] Allow /admin url to be configurable in parameters.yml #1323
  • [ ] New custom kunstmaan debug toolbar #1274


  • [ ] Set minimum PHP requirement to 7.0 #1445
  • [ ] Make Kunstmaan\FormBundle\Entity\FormSubmissionField more flexible by removing the discriminator map #1416
  • [ ] Elasticsearch 5.x

Feature requests

  • [ ] Health page, list of all 404's
  • [ ] Theming #655
  • [ ] Create configuration reference for all bundles #1334
  • [ ] Improve translation administration (export - import)
  • [ ] Better seo interface (preview, warnings)
  • [ ] Browser notifications
  • [ ] 2FA authentication
  • [ ] Webcomponents
  • [ ] Make language/domain switch more user friendly
  • [ ] Gulp instead of assetic #676
    • [ ] Part 1: Add Groundcontrol-simple #1481
    • [ ] Part 2: Implement Groundcontrol-simple to backend styles/js
    • [ ] Part 3: Compiled assets