Going single language
The Standard Edition installs a multilanguage site. This is important for us because Belgium is a multilingual country, but it's clear that there are a lot of cases where it is not needed. While the CMS will always retain it multilingual capabilities, we want to remove the language from the URL.
1) Change the routing.yml
Switch out the default routing.yml with routing.singlelang.yml
mv app/config/routing.yml app/config/routing.multilang.yml
mv app/config/routing.singlelang.yml app/config/routing.yml
WARNING: If you generated bundles before going single language, check that you have all routing moved over to the new routing file!
2) Change the security.yml
Switch out the default security.yml with security.singlelang.yml
mv app/config/security.yml app/config/security.multilang.yml
mv app/config/security.singlelang.yml app/config/security.yml
3) Change parameters.yml.dist and parameters.yml
Configure the parameters.yml.dist (part of the repo) and parameters.yml (your local settings) files like so:
requiredlocales: en
defaultlocale: en
multilanguage: false
And that's it, you now have a single language website.