System Requirements
- minimum version is PHP 7.1
- JSON needs to be enabled
- ctype needs to be enabled
- curl needs to be enabled
- pcntl need to be enabled
- imagick and gd needs to be enabled (if you wish to use the KunstmaanMediaBundle)
- memcached needs to be enabled
- you need to have the PHP-XML module installed
- you need to have at least version 2.6.21 of libxml
- PHP tokenizer needs to be enabled
- mbstring functions need to be enabled
- iconv needs to be enabled
- POSIX needs to be enabled (only on *nix)
- Intl needs to be installed with ICU 4+
- An opcode cache needs to be enabled (APC <= 5.4 or the built in Opcode cache >= 5.5)
- A userland cache APCu
- PDO with the MySQL binding enabled
- pecl_http needs to be enabled
- php.ini recommended settings
- short_open_tag = Off
- magic_quotes_gpc = Off
- register_globals = Off
- session.auto_start = Off
- date.timezone should be configured
- MySQL 5.x (some work on sqlite has been done but is not supported)
- A webserver like Apache or Nginx (preferably with a Varnish server in front)
- Imagemagick
- Elasticsearch
- Memcached (optionally)